In a world where the cycle of addiction and incarceration often feels unbreakable, A Curious Tractor and Con-nected set out on a transformative journey. The mission is clear: to revolutionize the support system for individuals on Drug and Alcohol Treatment Orders (DATOs) in the ACT. This 3-month "Discovery and Design" phase is not just about finding solutions; it's about focusing on the strengths, capabilities, and untapped potential of these individuals.
The phase is meticulously planned, with three strategic visits to Canberra to engage with a diverse set of stakeholders. From the Australian National University's technical team to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Elders, the collaboration is as inclusive as it is comprehensive. This ensures a multi-faceted understanding of the challenges and opportunities within the existing system. Each week, updates are shared with the core group, fostering an environment of transparency and iterative improvement.
"In the tapestry of innovation, each thread of diverse insight weaves a stronger, more vibrant pattern of impact." — Ben, A Curious Tractor
The Discovery Phase is not just an internal endeavor. In partnership with the Justice Reform Initiative, a blog post will be crafted to keep the broader criminal justice community informed and engaged. This invites external insights and reflections, adding another layer of depth to the project.
The 3-month journey is segmented into three crucial months:
This Discovery Phase is just the prologue. Upon its completion, the findings will be used to pitch for the application build, marking the beginning of a new chapter in this transformative journey.
"The thrill of engagement is like a spark in the dark, illuminating endless avenues of learning and growth." — Ben, A Curious Tractor
The project is not merely a stopgap; it's a blueprint for a future where the digital platform could scale to a nationwide model. A future driven by the power of data and social impact storytelling. It's about creating a space where transformation is not just possible but inevitable. A space where every individual, regardless of their past, could be "seen, heard, and valued."
Unlocking Potential: The Con-nected Digital Lifeline